The energy transition requires highly specialized know-how in the fields of power grids and power electronics. Here, Mosaic Grid Solutions unites critical competencies and supports customers worldwide in their large-scale projects. We facilitate successful grid integration and perform essential system studies.

Mosaic Grid Solutions is an international engineering and consulting company located in Karlsruhe, Germany. As your trusted and independent partner, we offers a wide range of services. This starts from highly specialized simulations, which cover large-scale grid studies and design calculations. Additionally, we develop customized tools and automation solutions for our customers. Moreover, we act as power engineering consultants and support decision-makers to anticipate new technological requirements and develop suitable strategies to seize the vast opportunities arising from the energy transition.
Grid Expansion and Integration
A significant level of expertise is essential for the grid integration and reliable operation of large-scale energy infrastructure projects. This is especially relevant for power electronics-based assets, as the technologies used are comparatively new and highly complex. Mosaic Grid Solutions is on your side as a reliable and experienced partner during all project phases and beyond - starting with feasibility investigations, the development of technical specifications, the support of tendering procedures and multi-year engineering phases, the witnessing of factory acceptance tests, and post-fault analysis.
Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies enable the evaluation of potential technical implementation concepts and the determination of functional requirements for technical specifications. Feasibility studies form the basis for making well-founded strategic decisions, particularly in the case of large-scale energy infrastructure projects with new requirements. Mosaic Grid Solutions conducts technical and economic feasibility studies and develops appropriate simulation models of power electronics-based assets and the surrounding transmission grid according to specific requirements.
In order to realize large-scale energy infrastructure projects on time and with reduced risk, a suitable specification presents the foundation for project success. Mosaic Grid Solutions supports grid construction projects by preparing technical specifications and has substantial international project experience, particularly in the areas of HVDC, FACTS, and BESS. We compile your technical specifications for all electrotechnical aspects of your project, such as primary and secondary equipment, system layout, control behavior, system studies, engineering concept as well as factory acceptance tests.
During the tendering and awarding phase of a grid infrastructure project, Mosaic Grid Solutions is capable to providing advice and support with high technical expertise and evaluate the implementation concepts of involved bidders. If required, we carry out accompanying quality assurance studies in order to evaluate bidder concepts in a well-founded manner. We also support your project during contract negotiation and settlement of deviations
Particularly in large-scale energy infrastructure projects, engineering phases lasting several years are common. Here, the technical design – and for example, the control concept – is developed and refined by the system manufacturer. During this project phase, Mosaic Grid Solutions provides in-depth testing and quality assurance services to challenge electrotechnical concepts and design studies. If required, regardless if grid operator, project developer or manufacturer, we perform or support grid integration studies.
In large-scale power-electronic projects, factory acceptance tests are usually required to verify the project-specific control and protection (C&P) implementation. During this stage, the finally deployed hardware and software are tested using real-time simulators, which cover both functional and dynamic performance aspects. Mosaic Grid Solutions supports you regarding test preparation, test protocol review, and acceptance criteria definition and mapping. Further, if required, our experts witness and assist you during the factory acceptance tests at your supplier’s test center. In addition, we are capable to takeing over accompanying tasks to coordinate the testing program.
The commissioning of a large-scale power-electronic project aims to prove the functionality of the overall system is in line with the concept. Mosaic Grid Solutions supports you regarding test preparation, test protocol review, and acceptance criteria definition and mapping. Further, if required, our experts witness and assist you during on-site commissioning. In addition, we are capable to takeing over accompanying tasks to coordinate the testing program for you.
After commissioning new assets, unintended interactions or even emergency shutdowns cannot be completely ruled out. This is especially relevant in the case of power electronics systems and their associated high systemic complexity. Usually, emergency shutdowns in the transmission grid result in high follow-up costs, making an immediate root cause analysis essential. Mosaic Grid Solutions evaluates transient fault records and carries out a root cause analysis using numerical simulations to identify possible remedial measures. In addition, we support grid operators and project developers with proactive system studies, in order to further minimize the risk of faults upfront.
For both project developers and manufacturers, we thoroughly review and analyze applicable national technical regulations for establishing a grid connection. For key international markets, our experts identify applicable connection requirements and anticipate possible future developments. In close coordination, we are capable to accompanying compliance studies for the grid connection or we independently carry out studies as a service.

Project portfolio of our services
Sytem Studies
In order to ensure a reliable basic design and successful grid integration of power system assets, it is very important to perform numerical simulations and system studies. As an independent partner, Mosaic Grid Solutions carries out design and verification studies for key stakeholders using EMT- (electromagnetic transient processes) and RMS- (root mean square analysis) type software. If required, we also develop generic models to imitate the electrical behavior of assets based on available information.
A reliable design of power system assets requires a profound knowledge of the transient stresses to be expected in the event of faults. Here, Mosaic Grid Solutions gathers substantial internationally recognized experience. Consequently, we are able to determine a suitable strategy for insulation coordination based on numerical transient analyses. We analyze the electromagnetic transients (EMT) originating from a wide range of different power system contingencies, such as lightning, switching or short circuit faults in power electronic systems. These highly specialized studies are offered for all kinds of power system assets and for both HVAC and HVDC applications. Our studies enable an appropriate design of cable systems, substations and converter stations.
Power system assets can cause electromagnetic interference on neighboring infrastructure, which may lead to issues related to personal safety or technical malfunctions. In particular, this must be taken into account when planning cable systems.
Mosaic Grid Solutions advises manufacturers and grid operators about normative requirements for determining interference voltages. In addition, we provide more sophisticated assessments using the finite element method (FEM) or an analysis of occurring electromagnetic transients (EMT).
We develop generic simulation models for all power system assets. In particular, those are required for feasibility studies or in large-scale grid studies. If requested, we design a suitable control concept, so that the generic simulation model complies with the applicable grid code. Using pre-developed and modular toolkits for grid-forming and grid-following control concepts, we are capable of quickly and cost-effectively delivering solutions according to customer-specific requirements.
As a neutral and independent party, either for grid operators or system manufacturers, we carry out dynamic performance studies. These studies can be used to prove that the control behavior complies with customer specifications, or the grid connection rules under all operating conditions. We have pre-developed automation routines in the Python programming language. This provides the foundation to carry out extensive parametric studies quickly and efficiently using the EMT software PSCADTM.
Interactions describe unintended incidents occurring between power electronics-based assets and other components of the transmission grid. In the course of large-scale energy infrastructure projects, usually screenings and, in individual cases, detailed interaction studies are required.
Mosaic Grid Solutions analyzes harmonic or transient interactions either for grid operators or system manufacturers. We also maintain our in-house automation framework to numerically determine the frequency-dependent impedance of power electronic equipment and to carry out an impedance-based stability analysis based on this. Our status as an independent third party further enables us to carry out cross-manufacturer transient interaction studies in EMT software. For this purpose, appropriate grid models are coupled with manufacturer-specific plant models, and large parametric studies are automatically performed.
Mosaic Grid Solutions carries out a wide range of stability assessments for different applications. In addition to impedance-based stability analysis - to assess any harmonic interactions – we also provide EMT grid studies to assess the stability during transient and non-linear events. Further, we analyze stability in the sub-synchronous frequency range, e.g. to identify interactions with conventional power plants. Finally, we develop generic plant and grid models for customers to be able to derive stability requirements for future power grids in pre-studies.
Depending on the study purpose, we perform grid studies using RMS or EMT software. For the latter study type, in particular, connected to the massive integration of power electronics, the need to carry out large-scale grid studies in EMT software is increasing. Here, we support our customers in the development of suitable grid and plant models. In addition, we have pre-developed automation routines to examine large parametric sensitivities in EMT software. If required, we can further use co-simulation techniques to link simulation models of different manufacturers or link grid regions and provide a high-performance simulation framework.
In addition to identifying critical voltage and current stresses by means of EMT simulations, Mosaic Grid Solutions is employing experts to compute and analyse the electric and magnetic fields. Depending on customer-specific requirements, we carry out specialized studies using the finite element method (FEM) and support design decisions for individual components.
Using the finite element method (FEM), we conduct thermal simulations for power system assets and support our customers in making design decisions for individual components.

Project portfolio of our services
Simulation Tools and Automation Routines
We develop highly specialized simulation tools for both manufacturers and grid operators to carry out large-scale grid studies or numerical transient analyses. This ensures that complex project requirements can be met efficiently and with high quality. We have extensive experience with state-of-the-art grid calculation software such as PowerFactoryTM or PSCADTM and develop customer-specific automation routines in the Python programming language. We also support model development and testing in MATLABTM and SimulinkTM software.
Triggered by the massive integration of power electronic assets into the transmission grid and the associated need to carry out large-scale EMT grid studies, the need for complete and standardized data management of grid assets is increasing. To be able to quickly and seamlessly exchange grid data between different software tools, we have developed tailored automation solutions. These can be easily adapted to customer-specific requirements. For example, our automation routines can be utilized to automatically transfer grid data and even entire grid areas from PowerFactoryTM to PSCADTM.
With our ready-to-use automation in the Python programming language, manufacturer-specific simulation models in the EMT software PSCADTM can be subjected to an automated model check. This automated model check also enables integration of customer-specific test scenarios to evaluate the dynamic performance and generate reports. The routine allows standardized, reproducible, and extremely fast validation of manufacturer-specific simulation models.
We develop individual and customized automation for a wide range of software tools and applications. We use the Python programming language for automation in the EMT software PSCADTM and have a broad portfolio of existing modules that can be used for a wide range of objectives. We also develop automation and model check routines for the simulation software MATLABTM and SimulinkTM.
Mosaic Grid Solutions has specially developed libraries for the EMT software PSCADTM. Our libraries contain various components that can be used to analyze dynamic or transient events. In addition, we provide components to enable co-simulations between different versions of PSCADTM or between simulation models requiring different solution time steps or compilers.
For power electronic assets connected to the transmission grid, the provision of the control system in the form of dynamic libraries (DLL) is increasingly required. These dynamic libraries contain machine code of underlying controls that can be integrated into RMS or EMT simulations. For example, Mosaic Grid Solutions can generate dynamic link libraries from control algorithms implemented in SimulinkTM . We also develop suitable wrappers or interfaces to integrate the respective dynamic link library into the EMT software PSCADTM.

Project portfolio of our services
Power Engineering Consulting
The disruptive transformation of the entire energy sector imposes considerable challenges for many companies. In order to point out the future opportunities and risks in power electronics-dominated power grids, Mosaic Grid Solutions offers training and consulting services individually tailored to your needs. We support you during the strategic decision-making process to identify new technical requirements at an early stage, so your company remains in the front row. Further, we foster your capability to properly evaluate future developments in the field of power engineering.
The energy transition imposes new challenges for power grids. Therefore, a revision of the current grid connection rules is required. These changes must be anticipated by system manufacturers at an early stage, mainly in order to be able to initiate corresponding developments swiftly. The energy transition is also opening up markets for new ancillary services, which can make the installation of new types of assets such as large-scale battery storage systems or electrolyzers even more attractive. Mosaic Grid Solutions supports your company in anticipating future requirements for energy infrastructure and in developing a suitable strategy to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the energy transition.
We offer customer-specific software training for the EMT software PSCADTM and enable your qualified staff to further grow their expertise in modeling and parameter identification for highly specialized EMT studies. In addition, we can onboard your new employees for the use of simulation software using customized training courses.
Mosaic Grid Solutions employs a large number of experts who participate in international committee work and help shape the technical standards of tomorrow. Based on this well-recognized experience, we prepare assessments to evaluate technological developments. Besides, we draw your attention to risks that may result from current practices in the design of energy infrastructure assets.
On request, we offer customized workshops and seminars covering a wide range of power engineering topics. In particular, this includes training courses on the grid connection of power electronic equipment such as HVDC, FACTS, large-scale battery storage systems or electrolyzers. Our training courses are attended by grid operators, system manufacturers and project developer.

Project portfolio of our services
Project Portfolio
As a highly specialized engineering and consulting company in the field of electrical power grids and large-scale power electronic assets, we provide support for the grid integration of various type of assets.
In the field of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission, we support various projects worldwide. These include flagship projects such as the first European multi-terminal systems based on the latest voltage source converter technology.
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) are considered a key technology for ensuring system stability in converter-dominated grids. We support projects in which the latest generation of STATCOM systems with grid-forming control are deployed.
Large-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS) will increasingly be connected on a transmission grid level and will also provide ancillary services. Mosaic Grid Solutions is advising various large-scale international projects in this regard.
Wind & PV
We support grid connection of wind and PV plants with high connection capacity and carry out system integration studies. For HVDC-connected offshore wind farms, we perform design studies.
To produce hydrogen, large-scale electrolysis plants are inevitable. We support the identification of system technical requirements and develop suitable simulation models required for performance studies.
Power-to-X is a hypernym for different sector coupling technologies. As a partner during the grid integration process of power electronic systems, we advise internationally operating companies from the Power-to-X industry.
Your Request
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